Friday 26 December 2014

Best steps for carpet steam cleaning

All the ways how cleaning company staff will clean the carpets are defined below.

  1. 1.  Vacuum cleaning
  2. 2.  Pre spraying
  3. 3.  Steam cleaning
  4. 4.  Deodorize.

1. Vacuum Cleaning  
Vacuum of carpets is the main process of cleansing of carpets, they use air pumps which sucks all the dirt and dust particles from the surroundings. Vacuum is one of the best technology ever seen with adequate supply of  features. It has some filtering systems or cyclones that collects all the dirt and dust particles. They have features that contains upright (dirty-air & clean-air), canister, backpack, wet-dry and pneumatic and  many other varieties. The best way to clean carpet is once a month flip it upside down and vacuum at the back of the carpet. It is easy to use beater bar/rotating brush vacuum on the back of the carpet, but on the front it is considered only to use the suction. Vacuuming at back using beater bar/rotating brush helps to push dirt trapped. Deep down towards the top of the carpet. After sometime the carpet is flipped right side up and then the dirt from the carpet is then vacuumed.

2. Pre spraying
  It is also considered as one of the best methods for as it contains chemicals for cleansing and removal of unwanted dirt stains from the carpet. As it contains some chemicals like shampoos, detergents which are helpful in cleaning and removing bacteria containing. Through spraying the carpet gives a  wet look & also it gives a shiny appearance.
When spraying is done the dirt & tough stains are hence removed and cleaned. Carpet shampoos are usually made for wall to wall carpets not for cleaning rugs. Before applying any spot cleaners or detergents always check the labels before use, because whenever we use a spotter or a shampoo always be sure to rinse it all out. Suppose if there is any soap residue left in the rug it will always attract the dirt, so therefore it is  always recommended to test your rug with a damp white cotton towel to make sure that the colors in the cotton will not run or bleed.

3. Steam cleaning
Steam cleaning is another most important method in sterilizing the carpets. While using it at home some commercial machines use hot water that gives off steam. Steam does not itself clean our carpet. Although it contains a detergent which is sprayed on the carpet. Through spraying hot water activates the detergent on the carpet fibers. There are some chemicals like alkaline which is used for synthetic carpets and Acidic for wool for natural fiber made carpets. After sometime a wet-vac is used to suck up of the bulk of water from the floor. As they can work faster than home systems and also have very shorter drying time period. In steam cleaning we require only hot water, a rented machine and a detergent, after this process we’ll have to wait for 12 to 24 hours to walk on our carpet again. Because the ground filled with stains will typically reappear after the first few days after cleaning. But with the help of some commercial solutions can help to eliminate some of these problems. Since there are certain kind of stains like-pet stains or chemical stains, as they require multiple treatments or cannot be removed after performing this particular activity of cleaning. Steam cleaning includes another option called dry cleaning described as below:

Dry cleaning
Another option is Dry cleaning: it is one of the most common method which we use every day for cleaning. It is a very different type of method and common too in this method a dry chemical compound which is placed on a carpet for breakdown of soil or dust particles whatever particulate matter they find. The name of this common and simple method is also misleading because they use a very small amount of moisture in the form of application solution, which also complements the dry chemical compounds getting used. Dry cleaning method also offers the advantage of time; through this method floors can be used instantly after cleaning is complete. The chemical compounds which we use in our daily routine are also used very often in industrial and retail settings for this reason. In the meanwhile dry cleaning has the advantage of no drying time and it gives an effective cleaning through special chemical agents and better application solutions. The chemicals that are used may become Harsh, and Householders or House owners are therefore advised to speak to a leading cleaning company about the best quality products that they use and suggest for cleaning.

5.  Deodrize
It is a natural and friendly cleaning and removing foul and dusty odours from the carpets. The bad odours caused from dirty shoes and nasty spills, it is very likely to emit foul smells or odours from home carpets. By removing bad odours it doesn’t mean that you use harsh chemicals or call professional cleaners to clean your home carpets. Rather than using chemical compounds or call professional cleaners we have natural and eco- friendly ways to deodorize your home carpets. First of all remove all the lingering materials in the carpets by vacuuming them up. After vacuuming up sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda powder all over the carpet area. After applying sprinkling baking soda leave it for a few hours or more. The longer hours it takes the better it works. Since baking soda has some smell absorbing effects Rather than just covering them up, when this process gets over after few minutes vacuum up, the baking soda and your carpets will be odour free.


  1. A professional Carpet Cleaner known that which is best, after checking the carpet surface.

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